My hair has been every color of the rainbow. Dark red, bright red, purple, blueish black, highlighted, low lighted, dark blonde, ash blonde, you name it, I've had it. 3 years ago I went platinum and I don't know, it just felt right. I'm naturally blonde, but it's that yucky blah blonde. As I get older, the darker it becomes. So pale blonde just feels fresher to me, brighter and happier:)
These are the classic blondes who inspire me to be a classic blonde without looking cheap.

My personal favorite blonde starlet. She was so talented and so hilarious.
Grace. Not a typical photo usually shown for Grace, but to me it shows her style and elegance so perfectly.
And of Course...
One of my favorite pictures of Marilyn. So natural and beautiful.
These are the Hollywood classic blondes that influence my locks everyday. No blonde bimbos here, just classic elegance.
**all photos found via google images
**all photos found via google images
Wow, I'd never seen that photo of Grace before - so beautiful! I must say, you definitely pull off the platinum :)
Lovely post and pictures
If only blond hair could fit my darker skin tone :)
You're right up there with these classy gals- the look suits you so well! Hard to imagine anything else in fact!
I periodically wonder what it would be like to try a platinum paleness, but have never had the guts to go for it! My sister is a natural nigh-platinum- blonde (with waves too, darnit!). So jealous!
Of course, Marilyn. :)
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