Another year has passed, and way too fast! 2010 flew by, it really is kinda fuzzy. I mean at the beginning of the year my blog and shop was Max & Chloe. Changing my name was just the beginning. At first I really wasn't that keen on having to change the name. I mean, Max & Chloe was the start of all this and it had meaning to me beyond vintage. But when Dethrose came about, I instantly got a terrific feeling. It was one of those moments where you just feel it, it made sense. Since the change, it has been very positive for my little shop. More shoppers, more blogger meet ups and just a better all around vibe.
Now I have a lot of free time on my hands, actually today was the start of that. I truly could not be more excited about this! I am planning so many new and exciting things for 2011. More traveling, more vintage show cases. Starting next weekend actually! Vintage Heaven, and then on the 15th the grand opening of Krispy Fringe Vintage Couture. Invites will be sent out very very soon! I can't wait to write more to all of you and do more interviews with my fav bloggers!
In the meantime I wanna leave you all with 2 things. First, a special New Year Give Away! I want you all to tell me what your plans are for the New Year, and what was your favorite thing about 2010. On Monday morning after we have all recuperated, I will pick one of your names and I will send you a special vintage item to start your new year off with a bang! So either leave comments or email me at
Man oh Man I love mixing Patterns. Hahaha can you tell!?
So sad about this little 40's Jacket, it was a gift and someone stole it from me:(
What do I love more than mixing patterns?! Outdoor photoshoots!
Green is my most favorite color!
Under the EL downtown. I love taking my tripod places and watching the people's reaction walking by. They always look at me like I am a crazy person!
My Cracker Your Wardrobe Photo Shoot, Korean Fashion Magazine, with the Lovely Isa from Chicago Looks!
Probably my favorite dress I scored this year! It came with a matching jacket!
Halloween!!! I love being at my family's for Halloween:)
Love this dress from the adorable and stylish Quincy over at Q's Daydream!
Anyone who knows me knows that this is how I must start my day! Latte in hand:)
Pasadena with Sis!
I think this is whitest my hair has ever been!

And the First Photo taken as Dethrose Vintage:)
2010 was a wonderfully stylish year for you!
Happy New Decade! xoxo
well congrats on all your success and I am sure it will only grow!
We are staying put for NYE and will celebrate by watching movies baking cookies and maybe just maybe I will get to soak in a bath to take my year away!
My favorite things of 2010 were spending so much time with family and as always going home.
Happy New Year
be safe
Love Ya
ack! That green dress! Gorgeous shot!
New Years for me is always cosy on the couch, watching movies with my loved one by the light of the Christmas tree. This year however I was also decked out in a frothy toile-de-jouy Anthropologie dress that came from ebay that day! Nothing better!
For New Year's Eve I always stay at home because I can't leave my dog alone when people are shooting fireworks. Usually I invite someone but this year it was only me, my dog, my man and some terribly good blini (Russian pancakes)... I don't know if I can pick a favourite thing from 2010, but I did a lot of great vintage finds - some of them from Dethrose :)
The best thing about 2010, while hard to choose, has been Michael finally moving to Chicago and being with him every day! A close second has been the rewarding feeling of all the hard work at my vintage and jewelry shops paying off. I'm hoping for just more happiness like this in 2011!
You look lovely in all of these photos! I love your style. :)
that damn green dress!!! You are the winner:)
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