Sunday, April 29, 2012

Espresso & Ivy

More photos from my trip to Southern Illinois. These were actually taken in St. Louis Missouri while thrift shopping. We stopped in my favorite STL coffee shops, The Mud House. Fantastic espresso, if you live in the St. Louis area, I highly recommend it!

The dress I am wearing is one of my new favorites:) I got this at a vintage market and it just fits perfectly and is oh so comfy.
 Head Scarf ~ Thrifted
Straw Handbag ~ Kokorokoko Vintage
Jewelry ~ Estate Sales

Right next to the Mud House there was a beautiful yard with Ivy along the building. Kind of hard to pass up a good photo opt!
 Oh and did I mention that the weather was absolutely gorgeous! 70 degrees and sunny, such a nice change from the cold rainy weather we've been having here in Chicago.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fields of Lilacs

This past week I went home for a few days to Southern Illinois. Spent most of the time thrifting and the rest relaxing. That's honestly why I go home as often as I can, low key relaxation. Don't get me wrong, I love, in fact ADORE, the city. But occasionally, it's nice to get away, see family & friends and thrift shop!

These photos were taken in the middle of a field of lilacs in an area of my hometown Chester Illinois. It was just too pretty and smelled way too amazing to pass up!

Blouse & Skirt ~ Dear Golden Vintage
Accessories ~ Estate Sale
 1940s Purse ~ Antique Mall
Sunglasses ~ Target
 Sandals ~ Dolce Vita

As I was saying in my last post, I recently opened my Studio with my friend Merl. Stay tuned because we will be having an opening party for our new space and will begin scheduling appointments!! So excited:) 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Shop Update & Important News!

More from my Southern Illinois road trip and a few I have been meaning to list for awhile! 

Ok, so yesterday I told you all I had some news. I have recently gotten a Studio Space for Dethrose Vintage for work and Appointments Only for clients. I have been working out of the second bedroom in my apartment for a year and a half and enough was enough! I can not work and live in the same place anymore. So my friend Merl, who you all know from the wonderful photography & also a genius jewelry designer, and I found a huge shared space! We are in the works of moving in and hopefully will be all set up and open for business with the next few weeks. For the first time I can breath! I can not wait for our first appointment:)

Thursday, April 26, 2012